Oregon Department of Forestry Willamette Valley
Open Burning Announcement
  Department of Environmental Quality


TO:         DEQ, OEM

Open Burn Announcement for Wednesday, February 12th, 2025

** Call your local fire department or local ODF office before you burn. **

This announcement is not approval to burn. Local rules and regulations still apply.

➤ To view a map and learn about the types of open burning please check here. All burning is
subject to the requirements of your local jurisdiction. Contact your fire department or
the Oregon Department of Forestry to learn about restrictions in your area. Never leave a fire
unattended.  Escaped fire is a leading cause of wildfires in Oregon.

➤ Burn bans could be in effect by your county, city, or local fire department.  Unauthorized
burning during a burn ban may be subject to enforcement.  Never burn prohibited materials.
All burns are subject to the Oregon Rules for Open Burning.

➤ Older adults, children, and those with heart/lung disease or respiratory infections are at
higher risk of having health impacts from smoke inhalation.

Agricultural burning:
  When allowed locally and based on air quality considerations recommend agricultural burning
  be limited to the period from 11:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.

Backyard burning inside special control areas:
  Backyard burning is not allowed from Dec 16th through the month of February.

➤ Other restrictions may be in place.  When possible, use alternative disposal methods.
Burning in compliance with this announcement does not exempt any person from any
civil or criminal liability for consequences or damages resulting from burning.

➤ If burning in Lane County, contact Lane Regional Air Protection Agency for burn
restrictions.  If burning outside of the Willamette Valley boundary (Zone 604), contact
your local Oregon Department of Forestry district office or local fire department.

A copy of this bulletin is here.